Ponce de Leon Christopher Columbus Jacques Cartier Christopher Newport Miley Cyrus Party in the USA

Little Meems is learning about the explorers.

Today, she was given words to a very complicated song, set to the tune of Miley Cyrus' "Party in the USA," to help her remember her facts.

Did I mention it's very complicated?  There are lots of words.

Plus, she can't seem to remember the tune very well.  And also, she's a terrible singer.


I'm the first one to compliment my children for their talents, big and small.  Whether you are TRULY talented, or just mediocre, I believe kind words and encouragement go a long way.  I want my children to feel confident about their abilities, even if they're not setting the world on fire with their amazing-ness.

But, she's terrible.  As in cringe inducing.  Ear splitting.  Headache inducing.  After dipping and turning her way through various octaves, she finally arrives at the actual tune, only to veer off course once again.  Her brother actually just held his hands over his ears and exclaimed "stop singing."

There were tears in his eyes.

She loves to sing, despite the tone deafness.  And because she loves to sing, she will be the kid who tries out for every musical her school ever performs.  Her love for singing trumps all reason when it comes to her abilities.  She loves to perform, and give concerts.  Many, many concerts.

via Pinterest

I'm going to have to break the news to her eventually.

On the plus side, it's a lot of information, and if she can remember the information to the tune, then I'm all for it.  Anything to help her retain the information that otherwise might get lost.  And it makes her so happy -- what a happy way to study about Ponce de Leon!  But it's going to mean much, much warbling and her rather fearless vocal stylings for days.  Which translates to many, many Advil and perhaps even a glass of wine.

Or two.


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