Happy New Year

I rang in the New Year last night with my favorite people.  First at a party with favorite friends, then at home with my favorite five.

We enjoyed "champagne" in fancy crystal flutes, and a lively discourse on the proper way to hold them. 

We snuggled.  

We kissed and hugged and clinked and screamed Happy New Year!
Then we watched Justin Bieber and went to bed.

We made resolutions.
Will's is to have better table manners.
Little Meems made a vow to not be sassy.
Tate promised to not complain about bedtime.
I threw out a few:  more patience, more health, more "me" time.
To my daughter, who's been going gluten-free, I promised solidarity.  We're doing this thing together.  It's been agony watching her go through this alone.  Stephen called me a good mom for making this pledge. 

 If I were a better mom, I would have done this from the beginning.

Which brings me to another resolution:
If you have regrets, fix them.  At least try.

After tucking everyone in, I lay in bed thinking about what I want to accomplish this year.

Accept challenges with grace and determination.
Step outside my comfort zone more often.
Take better care of me - my body, my soul, my spirit.
Lose the guilt.  Either let it go or find a way to rectify the situation.
Be patient.
Be understanding.
Be fierce.
Be fearless.

Happy New Year!


W said…
You seem like a wonderful Mom! Excellent writing as usual. Happy New Year.

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